About me

Hi, i’m Joff.
Helping people is a passion of mine.
I am innately someone who has a curious, problem solving mindset.
This characteristic is what drives my unending commitment towards helping people live their lives to their fullest potential.
I have spent the last 15 years submerged in education, applied practice and adaptation of my working methods. I am relentlessly dedicated to the betterment of my work which has led me to where I am now, utilising a key, Four Step - Treatment Process.
Whether it is chronic pain, if you are an elite athlete or perhaps have a list of strange undiagnosable symptoms linked with physical trauma, historical neurological conditions or even nervous system sensitivity from lyme disease, mould toxicity or recent burnout, my goal has been and always will be a simple one:
To help those that others cannot, faster than anyone thinks possible.
What makes me unique?
I absolutely thrive on a challenging list of symptoms or injury history; My aim has always been to help those that feel lost in their search for help.
Tired of having too many questions and not enough answers in my toolbox that conventional methods of treatment offered when treating pain or other symptoms in the body, I sought out ways to help my patients fast.
To give them the answers and help that other practitioners may have given up on or been told is all in their head.
This journey of exploration to help people fast resulted in me learning from some of the worlds experts in neurology, movement and pain. This education helped formulate a unique treatment process with you and your uniqueness at the very heart of it.
Instead of traditional methods such as massage or joint manipulation, here I use neurological systems of assessment and treatment that is designed to assess "why" your nervous system may be causing you to experience pain or other abnormal bodily symptoms.
It is this search for the "why" we feel unresolvable pain, burnt out or fatigue that has been a huge motivating factor for me.
My treatment process is an amalgamation of numerous modalities and education that call upon Proprioceptive Deep-Tendon-Reflex (P-DTR), Kinisiology, movement and gait assessment (such as Anatomy in Motion AiM), biomagnetism/Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, red light laser therapy, nutritional advice, lifestyle changes related to sleep, circadian rhythm, stress management and exercise. This all sits under a neurological banner of assessment (for more details on what to expect in a treatment session, check out the FAQs section).
Very rarely are symptoms purely down to only one particular contributing factor. Rather, it is more often a multitude of variables all feeding to create the environment within you that results in your symptoms. This is why my approach to treatment takes into account all possible scenarios, be it sensory, proprioceptive, chemical, hormonal, nutritional or emotional.
This process isn’t stationary either. Although the foundations of my treatment protocols I imagine, will remain the same for many years to come, how I achieve those results and help patients improve their lives is an ever evolving journey.
My Qualifications
Here is a list of my formal qualifications to give you an idea of the scope of my education. These represent a fraction of the continuing studies that I complete in all things health related. So check back regularly to see where I have expanded my skillset.
- Advanced Practitioner in Proprioceptive - DeepTendon Reflex (P-DTR)
- Anatomy in Motion (AiM) Practitioner
- Biomagnetism Practitioner (Goiz Biomagnetism Institute)
- Level 5 Diploma in Sports and Remedial Massage (London School of Sports Massage)
- Level 3 Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) Practitioner
- Level 3 Personal Trainer
Personal life
Outside of work I am a husband and father to two very active, young boys. When I am not climbing trees or building dens in the woods with my family, I am a lifelong inline hockey player and train in the gym and run regularly. Exercise and health are two passions that I live and breathe. This passion for my own health gives me the motivation to help improve the health and wellbeing of those around me and that of my patients.​
Some more facts about me

I am veracious reader, absorbing books on human psychology, war history, true crime and incredible physical and emotional feats. When i'm not reading books, I am reading journals and studies on a wide range of health & illness related matters and sports performance.
I am a massive movie buff. It’s a Wonderful Life is my favourite film of all time.
I hold professional qualifications in wine (although I very rarely drink).
I meditate every single day.
I love being in the mountains or on the beach.
I have a real interest in history.
I love watching a wide range of sports. From crossfit, football, horse racing, ultra distance sports, right through to cycling, rugby, boxing and MMA.
I have an extremely eclectic taste in music.