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Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is diagnosed as pain that has lasted for more than 6 months and affects around one third of all adults in the UK.


We know that nearly all injuries should heal fully within 3-6 months. If you have pain that has gone on for more than 6 months and you have not been able to find an accurate diagnosis for the cause of your pain, you are among the majority. But not without hope.


In almost all cases, chronic pain is not hardware driven (damage or injury to bones, joints, tendons, ligaments), it is more that your nervous system (brain) is attempting to protect you from something that it perceives to be dangerous; This is why most chronic pain conditions go undiagnosed or untreated.


You may have:


  • Areas of injury (if there was an injury) that are physically healed

  • Scans come back as clear or uncertain as to what is causing your pain

  • The pain may come and go, or change ever so slightly over time which does not fit the pattern of an injury


Our Four Step-Treatment Process has been designed to find and address the root causes for the "why" behind your pain, and we aim to get you back to full fitness as soon as possible.

Chronic pain treatment, back pain treatment, neck pain treatment

Chronic Pain FAQs

Why does my pain move around or not follow the same pattern?


This is a really common experience for some people in chronic pain. It is generally indicative of there NOT being a hardware issue or injury, as these tend to follow predictable results to certain movements or positions. Pain that moves around can be brought on by many factors, one of which could be an increase in sensitivity to a region of the body. 


Chronic pain in areas of perceived hypersensitivity can sometimes cause changes to areas of the brain related to stimulus detection and understanding. This results in pain being experienced in places where there is no damage or danger; known as brain smudging. 


These and many more potential factors are taken into account during the assessment stage of treatment here.

I have had pain for years with zero diagnosis, why is this?


This is common question we hear in clinic. Just because you feel pain, does not always mean that there will be a scan or test to show the exact reasons for your pain. Conventional medicine relies on quantifiable tests that have their merits but also their limitations.


Here, we will look at you as a complete individual and will work together to assess and identify as many of the contributing factors towards your pain. In most cases, chronic pain is brought about by a number of factors. The Four Step-Treatment Process we utilise here is designed to help diagnose and treat as many of those factors, helping you to move away from pain and aid your road to recovery and a new chapter in life.


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