The Four Step-Treatment Process

Reduce inflammation
Whether you have chronic, long standing symptoms or more acute issues, inflammation is likely to play some part in what you experience on a day to day basis. We treat this directly with the use of Red Light Laser Therapy, nutritional or lifestyle adjustments.

De-sensitising the nervous system by changing the way information is processed by the brain.
When particular sensory/chemical/hormonal/nutritional/emotional information received by the brain is processed as dangerous (but are not actually so), your subconscious will be forced to adapt around this perception of them to protect you. Movement compensations, pain and misalignment are a few examples of how information deemed dangerous can create changes. De-sensitising this “faulty” information helps to rebalance and normalise function.
If your symptoms are non movement related, this is where we will spend almost all our time.

Increase ranges of motion and improve movement
When an area that is holding on or over working to protect you no longer needs to, and when inflammation in those areas reduces, the ability to function completely normally should resume.
This is where we focus on safely guiding the body through increased ranges of movement, helping you to reach your potential.

Strengthen movement patterns
When movement range increase, so does your potential to strengthen through those ranges. Strengthening these patterns aids with bomb-proofing results, preventing future injuries or ailments.